Cantigas de Amigo – Martin Codax

Some friends and I have entertained ourselves by working up our own versions of the Cantigas de Amigo by Martin Codax.  We started with a transcription by Chris Elmes.  While much of that was very good, some of the transcription was troublesome, so we took a close look at the original manuscript. (ca. 1275, image from Wikimedia).  We ended up making our own transcriptions, or heavily editing the ones we started with, for almost all of the pieces.  Information from was very helpful in transcribing neumes and informative on pronunciation.  Researching the Arabic influence on this music led us to, an endlessly fascinating site for a Western trained musician to browse and learn a different approach.

We are happy to share the scores we have come up with, invented second parts, indications of improvisation, and all.

  1. Ondas do mar de Vigo
  2. Mandad ei comigo
  3. Mia yrmana fremosa
  4. Ay Deus se sabora ora meu amigo
  5. Quantas sabedes amar amigo
  6. Eno sagrado en Vigo
  7. Ay ondas que eu vin veer