Archive for January 2009

Workout Mod

It’s January, time for all good “January Joiners” to re-up at the gym, and start in on that resolution to lose weight and exercise more. This is one way to create a workout log that’s easy to keep in your pocket when you go to the gym.  Logging your workout will help you track your […]

Airline Travel – Carryon Only!

We recently took a long weekend vacation trip from Chicago to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas.  (Yes, in part to escape the Chicago winter for a short while.)  We had an experience that proved yet again the validity of the advice to avoid checking bags if at all possible.  One of the podcasts I […]

Good Neighbors

It’s really nice to live on a block with good neighbors.  We’re in the midst of what is going to be several days of more or less continuous snow in Chicago, and I’m seeing some real neighborliness in action. I came home from work last night, and found the snow that came down during the […]

In the Beginning… 2009 Goal

Starting a blog at the beginning of a calendar year, it seems like the thing to do is talk about what I’m up to here.   Why am I doing this?  Primarily to improve my writing by doing it a lot.  And I find I have things to say that might be of interest to […]

First Post!

Unoriginal name, I know, but something had to be first.  Mostly a placeholder with no real content, used for setup purposes.  And some testing.